Kemijska politika


Association of Chemical Industries of Slovenia supports Antwerp Declaration for an Industrial Deal

Association of Chemical Industries of Slovenia signed and supports the Antwerp Declaration for an Industrial Deal >>

New publication Adhesives and sealants - Production in Slovenia

With the publication Association of Chemical Industries wants to highlight the importance of the production of adhesives and sealants in Slovenia, both in general and as a specific part of the chemical industry. The aim is also to draw attention to adhesives and sealants as products and solutions that enable the functionality of countless indispensable products and at the same time contribute to an easier and faster green transition of society.

The publication thus provides trends in the area of ​​the relevant products, presents some Slovenian companies that produce adhesives and sealants, highlights some historical glimpses and the tradition of this type of production in Slovenia.

The initiators of the preparation of the publication were manufacturers of adhesives and sealants connected to the Working Group for Adhesives and Sealants. This group has been operating under the auspices of the Association of Chemical Industries for almost 25 years.

Cefic Statement On The EU Energy Crisis

We unfortunately lack the sense of urgency in the series of measures discussed at the Energy Council last week. Many of these measures require further elaboration, are worded in broad and, at times, vague terms and are unclear as to their application to industry.

We call upon Europe’s leadership to provide industry with immediate and precise relief measures that can be implemented swiftly to ensure the continued viability of the operations in Europe.

See more si oglejte  on CEFIC web page.

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of CEFIC with outstanding top European chemists 

On 30 May 2022, outstanding scientists and outstanding PhD students in chemistry from European countries were presented and highlighted at a gala event in Brussels as part of the celebration of CEFIC's 50th anniversary. Among them was also Monika Horvat, the Slovenian representative among outstanding young PhD students (picture below). 

Martin Brudermüller, President of CEFIC, said: “I am delighted to be surrounded today by the world's best chemists and extremely talented young researchers from all over Europe. The young generation will define the future of chemical innovation in Europe and thus the success of the European Green Agreement. Innovation is our essence: with more than € 9 billion in annual R&D investment, the European chemical industry is the second largest investor in the world. That is why working with the current and next generation of scientists is very important for the future of Europe. " 

 Selected PhD students will continue to work on a joint CEFIC project to be presented this autumn.

See more on CEFIC web page.

 Picture from 1927, on the picture Albert Einstein and Marie Curie Remake of the picture on the left, on the picture Slovenian student Monika Horvat 

Cefic President outlines industry’s perspective on the energy aspects of the ‘Fit for 55’ package during a European Parliament's public hearing 

The European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) held a high-level public hearing on the energy aspects of the Fit for 55 Package on 9 November 2021.

Cefic President Martin Brudermüller stressed: “In order to secure Europe as a destination for investments into climate-neutral and circular technologies, some of the provisions in the Fit for 55 Package must be improved. Ensuring competitive prices for renewable energy and a robust framework to ramp up supply of green hydrogen will be key for a quick uptake by the industry.” 

Sharing A Better Future: A Series Of Digital Dialogue 


Cefic joins the conversation on the ‘Fit for 55’ package at the European Council

On 7 September Cefic Director General Marco Mensink was invited to speak at the meeting of the European Council’s Competitiveness and Growth Working Party addressing all 27 Member States and the European Commission on important topics of the ‘Fit for 55’ package such as the revision to the EU Emission Trading Scheme, Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and amendment of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Directives.

Marco Mensink stressed that the ‘Fit for 55’ package is a crucial step for the European industry and the European society to lead the global race to climate neutrality by 2050 and secure Europe as the destination for investments into climate-neutral and circular technologies.

Cefic is honoured to be the first industry association in Brussels to have been officially invited by the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council to present the industry’s views on the ‘Fit for 55’ package.

More >>

An Introduction to the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU

The webinar took place on 22nd of June and was co-hosted by Cefic and the Association of Chemical Industries of Slovenia. Representatives of the upcoming Slovenian Presidency provided a preview into the presidency’s priorities and a Member of the European Parliament offered the Parliament perspective. The Presidency will oversee many critical developments for the chemical sector and the discussion aimed to strengthen our mutual understanding of what to expect, particularly in the areas of climate & energy policy and chemicals legislation.

Consultation of Competent Authorities and Industry regarding European Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)

3rd of June 2021, a virtual round table on the European Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) was held in co-organization with Cefic and the Chemicals Office of Slovenia, where the competent authorities and industry took the initiative to form an informal group to follow this process. The purpose of the group is, when various acts will be established, it will meet regularly and actively participate in this process and respond to various implementation. CSS brings about 80 regulatory and non-regulatory changes, which is for Slovenia, as a smaller economy, a big deal.